
  • When is the profile used?
  • What does the project profile contain?
  • What do you need to pay particular attention to?
  • Why is it necessary to create a fact sheet? What benefits does it generate?

First, we need to define what exactly a project profile is and what it is for.

The profile is basically a short summary of the whole project. It contains all the important background information and provides an overview of the overall picture. Ideally, it should only cover one page. In a project report, it is on one of the first pages and provides information about the following contents.

When is the profile used?

The profile should be completed by the time of the kick-off meeting. It provides answers to preliminary questions about project details.

What does the project profile contain?

The header of the project profile defines the project and includes Project name, project number, project management, and the client.

The body consists of two parts: the project content and the framework conditions. The first part contains:

  • a short project description (summarized in one to two sentences)
  • the main project objectives
  • the benefits (for the project sponsor and the company)
  • the project environment (work environment, departments and sites)
  • a list of all project participants (internal and external)
  • the project non-objectives
  • and the main risks.

The second is the time and effort estimates and targets:

  • The project duration and deadlines (in milestones)
  • the workload in person-days
  • and budget in euros.

The bottom of the profile consists of only one line and rounds off the overall profile. This is where the signatures of the project leader and the project sponsor can be found.

What do you need to pay particular attention to?

When writing a project profile, it is not only about summarizing everything that is essential, but also about being coherent.

This means that all elements mentioned in the profile must also be identified, analyzed and described in the following. This means that the profile must not contain any elements that are not relevant to the project.

To maintain the best possible overview, the document is usually presented in tabular form.

Why is it necessary to create a fact sheet? What benefits does it generate?

The fact sheet serves not only as an overview but also as a basis for communication for the project team. It serves as a tool to keep everyone involved up to date and to create a common understanding of the project details. This not only promotes quality but also cohesion and a positive working atmosphere.

It can also be helpful to give stakeholders a good overview without much extra effort. It can also serve as an information base.


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