If you’re looking for competence orientated project management, we, TIME4PM, are your ideal partner.
In competence-orientated project management the project manager as human is in the centre of interest and is working targeted and with the ideal method to accomplish more and better results, competence and efficiency.
The first challenge is to choose the leader for your project. That person has to have a clear vision about the task, the goal, the approach and the soft skills about how to motivate every participant.
Special tasks can’t be handled and profitably solved by anyone. For that reason, it is important to include every participant according to his strengths when it comes to set the structure and to spreading out the individual roles.
In some cases, the team starts with the execution phase way too soon, thinking they are under pressure timewise. This behavior is followed by delays and budget overrun because of unexpected incidents. With our help we bring you and your team fast and well-structured threw the first phase of your project and increase your probability of success.
We work based on the international standards and norms for project management (ICB4, ISO 21 500, DIN 69 900ff, …). These basics are building sustainable possibilities for solutions to be able to react proactive, fast and suitable to developments in the work processes.
In addition to the classic and agile methods of project management, we have also included aspects of health management in our structures.
We advise you in:
- Setting up a new project
- Forming a high performance project team
- Questions about leading your team
And assist you in:
- Planning, controlling and implementing a project
- Traditional, agile and sustainable PM-methods and the development of your project-structure
In addition, we offer individual and benefit-orientated workshops with our international experienced consultants to the following topics:
- Project-start-workshop, clearing assignments
- Teambuilding, clearing team-rolls, collaboration with partners
- Target definition, planning, risk analysis, problem solving
- Coping of crisis
The future brings continuous change to our life. Product-life-cycles are constantly shorten. Pressure of innovation for companies is rising. In this connection we support you introducing or optimizing your project-culture.
- Building a suitable PM-system
- Establishing your PMOs
- Creating project-processes
- Establishing Project-portfolio-management
Your team members are receiving general, customized and project-specific trainings according to their role.
General seminars are listed under the segment Events, for customized seminars please contact us directly.
We train you and your team in all questions about project-management. Starting with the basics and specific method-trainings up to trainings leading to certifications – classic, competence-orientated, agile, sustainable:
- GreenPM certification
- IPMA 4 level certification
- GPM certification
- PMI certification
We also offer practice-oriented trainings for your daily project work:
- Successful project collaboration (also with focus on agile teams)
- Project management for those who are in charge of a working package
- Basic-qualification project management (with possible certification)
I addition we designed special trainings for executives:
- Basic knowledge in project management
- Project management for clients
- My role in the steering committee
- Project-portfolio-management
- Leadership and motivation
- Agile leadership
In many cases does the work as an executive not give you enough time to reflect, therefore we can help you with our certified coaches. Together we help you to overcome every challenge and establish you as an executive.
For your teams we offer a special team coaching, for example to adjust and align them together to a new task.
We organize an optimal and faster implementation and stand by your side individually, especially when it comes to the introduction of new processes.
Furthermore, we accompany you with your first steps as an executive and offer individual coaching for that.