Sustainability is already an important topic for many companies and organisations. The reporting about sustainable activities based on the global reporting initiative (GRI G4) are published on their homepage.
With the standards of PRiSM and P5TM has Global PM integrated the sustainable aspects into project management and set the base for designing products and services sustainable even from the very beginning of the processing.
TIME4PM is partner of Global PM and is your contact in German speaking countries.
We support organisations in improving, expanding and sensibilisation of their project processes in the aspect of sustainability. As well as preparing your project manager for the Global PM certification.
You can find more information under www.greenprojectmanagement.org
With P5 the basics of sustainable work is included in the world of project management. That includes:
- Person (the human with his desires and rights)
- Planet (how to deal with the given resources of our world)
- Profit (the need of an company to accomplish profit)
- Processes (the methods in projects under the consideration of sustainability)
- Product (the conditions of a project to fulfill sustainability)
With PRiSM, the specific conditions from the P5TM concept, are included into the specific project phases. It contains the specific assistances for the project organisation, the project manager and the project team to empower them.
TIME4PM supports you in this process with their experienced consultants, trainings and individual coachings.
With our consultants we support your project team in integrating and executing of the sustainable aspects and enable independent acting in the long tearm.
Therefore, we focus on the balance of the Triple Bottom Line:
From the introduction of sustainable project management to the optimisation of its application and support you in case of challenges, we stay by your side.
In 2-4-day practical workshops we train you in the methods of sustainable project management:
As a manager you are responsible for sustainability in your area. We advise you, your project managers and employees on the integration, application and implementation of sustainability aspects in your everyday project work. Together with you, we develop a specific approach to optimise your procedural concepts to increase success.
We only have “one” planet to live on. Currently, with 1.7 Earths, humanity is using more resources than it can reproduce.
By embedding sustainability in our everyday project work – from the basic idea to the entire product life cycle – we have the opportunity to pay attention to these resources.
To strengthen your knowledge of global sustainable work in a project team, we support you with our practice-oriented seminars.
Our trainers use modern didactic methods to provide you with the necessary knowledge of sustainable project work.
For this purpose, your team members will be trained by us according to their role in the required elements, for example according to P5TM.
We also train you in the leadership aspects of sustainable project management:
- Basics of sustainable project work
- Evaluation and management of sustainable projects
We also offer training for managers, project managers and employees in all necessary matters:
- Sustainable project management (optionally with certification)
- Sustainable project cooperation
- Sustainable management of project structures
We also offer customer-specific seminars in this area based on your own PM system. Simply contact us directly under Contact.
We coach you, your project managers and teams in reflecting and clarifying all questions regarding sustainability in and through project management and in the application of the resulting challenges.